Get Involved
Knights of Columbus
Catholic men (18+) can join the work of the Knights of Columbus.
Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month following the 7:00 p.m. Mass.
Contact: Joe Crane, Grand Knight.
See our online archive at: KofC Archive Page (pictures, newsletters, etc.)
Catholic Women’s League
Open to all Catholic women (16+) of the parish, the CWL is involved in many ways in our community.
Monthly meetings take place on the 3rd Tuesday of the month following the 7:00 p.m. Mass.
For details contact the Parish Office.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (also known as “the Atrium”) is a parish-based ministry offering children between the ages of 3 – 12 a unique opportunity for faith development. This program is a soundly traditional method of introducing children to the mystery of God based on the principles of Montessori education.
The adult’s task is to prepare the sacred space for children, so that they can respond to this holy relationship, first proclaimed to them through Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Weekly (1.5 hour) sessions run in the evening from October to May. Training of new catechists in the Diocese of Hamilton will be carried out through the joint offering of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Office in the Archdiocese of Toronto and the University of St. Michael’s College (Continuing Education Division). Training for level one (ages birth to 6 years) requires a commitment of 90 hours of instruction which takes place over 2 years.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is offered each summer, usually the third week of August. This program is offered to children who have just finished JK to grade 3. The one week program runs from 9 a.m. – noon each day and children rotate to five stations throughout the morning.
We need adults to help prepare the five stations: Crafts, Snacks, Bible Story, Music and Activity room. Adults are also needed to travel with the groups from station to station. High School aged volunteers are welcome to join us and can put this towards their high school volunteer hours. The commitment is generally the week of, as well as some preparation if involved in one of the five program rooms. All program information and suggestions are provided. Planning starts around mid May.
Baptismal Ministry
Ministry of Hospitality
Hospitality is an important ministry for Holy Cross. The mission for our Ministry is to be the friendly welcome to parishioners and visitors as they enter our church and the pleasant goodbye as we hand out bulletins at the end of Mass. Always ready to lend a hand, we help to seat parishioners and we take up the collection. We also keep a general eye on things; providing guidance and assistance as needed. If you feel you would enjoy this ministry please contact the office.
Parish Choirs
The Saturday Night 5:00 p.m. Choir is blessed to have members who are truly dedicated to their ministry. This choir, whose members range in age from teens to those in their 70’s, utilizes both traditional and contemporary music, in SATB, SAB, and unison format. You might be surprised to discover that most of the members of this choir do not read music; they simply have a love of singing and are willing to be challenged in their musical growth. In addition to weekly Mass, this choir (and other choirs at Holy Cross) provides music for various other Liturgies (for example, Confirmation, Ash Wednesday, Christmas Eve, etc.) The choir practices every Wednesday evening from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. in the St. Cecilia room, as well as meeting about 20 minutes before Holy Mass on Saturday evening. New members, both vocalists and instrumentalists (piano, guitar, flute) are always welcome. Contact the office for more information.
The 9:00 a.m. Choir would love to have some new members join. You do not have to read music. Practices are Tuesday nights from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. in the St. Cecilia Room. Contact the office for more information..
The 10:30 a.m. Adult Choir sings weekly at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass as well as Christmas, Easter and other special liturgies. We sing mostly traditional hymns in unison and SATB. Cantors are especially invited to join. Rehearsals take place half an hour before Mass in the St. Cecilia room. For more information please contact the Parish Office
The Funeral Choir – New members are needed and welcomed to join this very important Ministry. When there is a funeral you will be called. We practice three quarters of an hour prior to the Funeral Mass. The commitment is approximately 2 hours on the day of the funeral. You sing when you are available. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Health & Wellness Committee
Holy Cross Helps
HELPS is an organization established by Holy Cross Parish to assist Georgetown residents experiencing difficulty making ends meet. HELPS offers assistance with food in the form of vouchers to be redeemed at Food Basics. Further assistance is offered to regular clients at Christmas time. Members of HELPS are volunteers from Holy Cross Parish who meet regularly to pray and reflect on their shared ministry. HELPS is funded by the generosity of parishioners and by very generous contributions from Parish Schools. Members of HELPS are present at the doors of the church after all Masses on the last weekend of each month collecting on behalf of the poor. At this time, Holy Cross HELPS is seeking new members to join in helping the needy of our community. Those who are interested in joining HELPS should contact Eileen Anderson at the parish office.
All volunteers are screened and mentored. Meetings take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Volunteers make calls to clients at times which are mutually convenient. The privacy of volunteers is respected and confidentiality regarding clients is expected. Holy Cross HELPS looks forward to and welcomes new members.